Jeff Sturgis’s Buckwheat/Fall No Till Food Plot Method and DeerGro
Buckwheat/Fall No Till Food Plot Method and DeerGro
If Jeff Sturgis of Whitetail Habitat Solutions is known for one thing and one thing only after the past few years… it’s probably the word buckwheat. This food plot world craze is a craze for good reason…it works! Clients and fans are eating up the past years’ content on Jeff Sturgis’s YouTube channel about this no-till food plot strategy. We are hearing a lot about this Buckwheat and fall food plot no-till method strategy when talking to customers, and more specifically when to spray DeerGro with it. Watch the video to learn more about this method, some common questions, and when to spray DeerGro in the steps of the food plot’s production.
(VIDEO) Jeff Sturgis joined the guys from HUNTR and DeerGro on this podcast. One of the topics they cover is an easy buckwheat no-till food plot. Sit in on this podcast to learn an alternative to planting a food plot and fall food plot without a tractor and Jeff Sturgis himself talking about the buckwheat food plot program and using DeerGro’s PlotStart and PlotBoost with it.
When to Spray DeerGro
PlotStart needs to be applied at or before the time of planting. In this case, you are laying over buckwheat and spraying glyphosate on top of it. PlotStart cannot be mixed in the same tank as the glyphosate, so spraying PlotStart (2.5 gallons per acre) over the laid-over buckwheat after spraying the glyphosate is the best solution. Once that rain finally arrives the PlotStart will work into the soil and begin increasing germination success and boosting the first few weeks of growth for the plots.
You can spray PlotStart at the beginning at the buckwheat planting, then again in the fall once you lay it over, and then again in the fall once you lay it over, maximizing benefits for the growing season. Once the food plot is up and running you will want to spray PlotBoost over the plot 3-5 weeks after germination. Make sure the tank is completely clean of any glyphosate that could damage the plot. Spray in the early morning or afternoon hours to avoid any sun/droplet damage.
Does DeerGro Work? – Check Out Jeff’s Success!
If you have any other questions on this buckwheat no-till method or any other food plot questions please contact us!